Han Long slowly walked out from the center of the explosion and looked at the breeze hundreds of meters away. He said, "The temple ruled that boxing is not your weak body."


As soon as the force is earned, Peng ~ the cloth scraps are flying to reveal the muscles, and the muscles are cast in bronze. There are still several ferocious knife marks, and the face is not shy when the girl looks at her eyes.
The wind from the ring up unceremoniously said "play rascal? Something broke the pants! "
Han Long suddenly rushed at the breeze and roared, "I’ve put up with you for a long time. Don’t be handsome and you can do whatever you want!" Punch directly at the breeze face.
A sword suddenly appeared in the hand of the breeze and shouted "Rapier ruling!" Jump up and swing a sword
Bang ~ the firm but gentle fist strength swept through the breeze and was once again knocked down for tens of meters next to it. The sword in his hand was shattered in an instant and the fragments fell into the ring.
"Roar ~" A dark golden fierce lion roared and scattered the aftermath of the explosion and flew towards the breeze.
A pike appeared in the breeze’s hand and shouted, "God of Light gives you a shot to kill God!"
A white and golden vitality pike spiraled and quickly formed a pike spread all over the gods.
"Bang ~" The pike stabbed the dark golden lion’s head with a single shot, and the white gold, black gold, and black gold reflected each other.
On the top floor of the white tower, the judge frowned and said, "It’s another brilliant paladin’s meta-skill. How much advanced meta-skill does he know in the Holy Mountain Headquarters?"
Wechat business said, "I don’t know."
Zhong Duanqi narrowed his eyes and said, "Even if the high-level vitality can make up for some of the gap, he has just entered the third-level repair and Han Long is too far away, even if the meta-skills can make up for it."
As expected, the bell broke, and the pike bounced back directly. The black lion slammed into the breeze, and the black vitality set off a big explosion. In the big explosion, the colorful light shone, and the cracking sound of the defense cover was endless.
Face the moon, step forward, look worried
The cool breeze drinks a lot of black energy and emits "magic to disperse ~"
A white light suddenly blew black vitality to dissipate, and Han Long also flew back to the ring in a mess, repeatedly stepping back on the ring and banging.
The archbishop of the corner is aware that his eyebrows are glaring and envious. Is it better to grow up with talent?
The clock at the top of the tower is broken, and I can’t help it. "The main magic of the hall is that the bishop of the holy mountain headquarters can master the means. What will he do?" Why can he use magic? "
Wechat business said lightly, "I don’t know."
Zhong Duanqi said sullenly, "I will definitely report this matter to the ruling department of the holy mountain. If anyone regards the rules of the holy mountain as private law, the ruling department will never be lenient."
Wechat business glanced at him and said faintly, "Whatever!"
Face breeze ring panting body defense light a broken more than 20 layers.
Hundreds of meters away, Han Long Kaka twisted his neck and said, "I can also send out a lot of this kind of attack. Let’s take a look at whether your defense is enough for me to fight."
The wind sank in my heart, most afraid of this situation.
Han Long jumped and took off a hundred meters, falling like a meteorite, and his feet were covered with a layer of black flame, and his vitality flew towards the breeze.
The breeze raised its head and raised its consciousness, but an idea could not be avoided! Hands hurriedly block the front.
Dong ~ Like a meteorite hitting the earth, the breeze was instantly hit and flew. Peng flew out 200 meters away and hit the ring and rolled several times before stopping.
Before the breeze could react, there was a huge fist in front of it, and there was a blank consciousness in my mind. With a wave of my hand, a stream of light disappeared from the front, and Han Long rushed out from the side.
The breeze turns over and rises to the platform, and flies back a little to stretch the distance.
Is Han Long still in the distance? What was that just now? How did I get out?
The breeze also flashed a thought in my heart. Is that Tai Ji Chuan just now? I realized that when I first arrived at Sanqingguan, my temple ruled that Tai Ji Chuan, the spectator of boxing, was miserable and abused. The landscape owner said that Tai Chi’s combination of yin and yang was the best at rouke’s four or two strokes.
The breeze smiled, lifted her feet and put her hands up, posing for a Tai Ji Chuan, took a long breath and said slowly to Han Long, "Come on!"
Chapter one hundred and sixty-one Waste Han Long
Han Long suddenly looked back and sneered at the breeze and said, "I don’t know if I live or die!"
"Roar ~" A lion roared Han Long punched out the whole person, and the golden lion rushed at the breeze.
The breeze gently said to himself, "Tai Chi is more important than shape." His hands slowly waved his whole body and followed his hands to rotate to form an airflow. The dark golden lion suddenly rushed to the airflow area, and his eyes rushed towards the breeze with ferocious murder.
The breeze didn’t budge at all. With a wave of his left hand, the lion’s head waved like a sparrow’s tail. The dark golden lion took advantage of the situation and turned gently. The dark golden lion suddenly rushed out and flew out of the side, and the lion dispersed hundreds of meters away.
Han Long twist a head to look at the wind a face of unbelievable and so what is this?
The wind in situ corners of the mouth crack a smile indeed as expected Tai Ji Chuan is ruling boxing nemesis.
Han Long shouted angrily, "What kind of skill are you?"
"Tai Ji Chuan!" said the breeze.
Han Long thought for a moment. I’ve never heard of Tai Ji Chuan’s title. Is it the holy mountain achievement method? Consciousness twist a head to look at the month mercilessly stared his one eye, Han Long hurriedly go back.
"Die for me ~" Han Long suddenly rushed at the breeze, flying around it like a whirlwind, and one huge fist rushed out of the whirlwind and one lion head hit it.
The cool breeze smiled in situ and said, "Tai Chi is like a seal ~" With one foot in the previous step, his hands crossed like a gate, and he was surrounded by a rapid rotation and blockade.
All the lion heads rushed into the range of gas strength and stagnated for a while, and then they were quickly rotated around the breeze, which also formed a wonder. The breeze slowly punched the whole body and flew around a big circle, and the dark golden lion head flew fast.
Han Long closed his fist and looked out of his control when he was stagnant. The lion’s head was in a panic, so you can restrain me from ruling the fist by moving slowly? It’s hard to accept in my heart
The breeze moved to Han Long’s finger and shouted "Go ~". One by one, the lion roared out and crashed towards Han Long, which was faster and more violent.
Han Long’s pupil shrank, and he quickly swept away to the side, but it was still a step late. One by one, the ferocious lion head hit Han Longsheng and suddenly exploded violently. The vitality of heaven and earth swept out and stirred the atmosphere of the ring, causing the line of sight to distort, and the audience narrowed their eyes.
Poof ~ By his dozens of blows, Han Long directly spits out one mouthful blood and flies back. Bang, smash the defensive cover and splash ripples, then bang, fall and kneel, and his chest is raw and his mouth is dripping with blood.
The moon cried excitedly, "Good breeze!"

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