Very scattered!


I didn’t even pay attention for a moment, but it was even more important.
It’s too late to panic and wait for all their attention to regain their spirit and condense the spirit pedal!
They have finished their free landing!
Each fell and snorted.
That is to say, they have reached the level of genetic evolution, and their basic physical qualities have been strengthened twice, otherwise they will be killed on the spot just by this fall!
Even so, it’s a terrible pain and panic, which gives Xu tui and An Xiaoxue a lot of time.
The other two watchmen who are close to the high tower gene evolution environment are directly standing on the high tower to attack An Xiaoxue and Xu tui from a distance.
This attack also naturally found that the problem of rapid vibration of the spirit method was delayed a little.
However, the dose of Sanma tosine is not fatal, mainly because it affects their spirit and weakens their combat power
They are also experienced practitioners, no matter what the reason is, such as first mobilizing the spirit to attack and destroy foreign enemies.
The fire spewed out steeply.
But the fire was extinguished by the downpour in a second.
Two on-duty gene evolution environment strong Meng forced.
They are extraordinary, so the rainstorm weather is naturally extremely unfavorable to them!
Suddenly two people heart chill.
Is this the enemy’s intention?
After all, half of the extraordinary people stationed in the Sun Temple in Konak are fire extraordinary!
In this way, the weather will be greatly reduced even if the combat power is endless and wasted!
Two people look at their strongest purple hot blast out naturally weakened by the heavy rain, etc., and it has been weakened by half before Xu retired.
My face is full of nai
In the distance, a frost giant nearly six meters high and three meters wide suddenly rose in front of Xu tui and An Xiaoxue.
Their purple flame exploded and hit the frost giant, leaving no mark on their bodies.
And this frost giant is still growing because of abundant rain.
Xu Shuitui puppet doll made a super frost giant, and instantly the flying sword broke and it rang steeply!
The mouth has just been blasted with blood, and the strong man in the genetic evolution environment got up in pain and anger and saw the flying sword explode.
Dare not have the slightest carelessness
Huge fire shield, spirit field spirit defense at the same time.
Hold out the moment, gently point out the moment, and it will turn into a huge torch of fuel, pointing to the flying sword!
Finger flame power suddenly dissipated.
Spirit shock whip!
Turned into a fleshy finger and pointed it at the flying sword
The genetic evolution of the strong frightened.
Is there something wrong with spelling a flying sword with a fleshy finger?
Finger hurriedly withdraw force to strengthen defense!
He should be able to stop this flying sword!
But this flying sword has become a hill!
A khaki hill suddenly emerged from the flying sword, bringing inertia with the flying sword high speed, and severely bombarded the strong body of the genetic evolution environment.
Mountain word tactic flying sword!
The whole person was smashed up and a reinforced concrete wall was smashed down!

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