Bai Xiaofei’s corpse brother is stupid. This bald little old man is too evil. If there are too many people in his own team, he will kill them if there are too many people in the opposite team. Finally, he shouted with a brainwave, "Then I won’t go over. The number of 221 to 221 is exactly the same."


Domineering! Arrogant! Cruel! Bai Xiaofei turned into a bald little old man, which made the Japanese slave corpse brother stunned. The Japanese slave corpse brother was also fierce. However, just a small matter like Bai Xiaofei even killed two unrelated companions, and the fierce poison made him look askance.
Brother Corpse, the leader of this group of four-winged crows, is very satisfied, because it seems to him that Bai Xiaofei wants to keep his own strength in the team, and his leader can have such a strong brother Corpse as Bai Xiaofei, which will increase his chances of winning in the joint battle.
Brother Four-winged Crow pointed his wings at Bai Xiaofei and said, "You, the bald man, come to my side to protect me."
Bai Xiaofei also unawares a pull Caicai came to the four-winged crow corpse brother side.
At this time, the lion’s double-headed corpse brother across the street started his own team, and he was arranging his troops. Bai Xiaofei looked at the lion’s double-headed corpse brother carefully, but there were also some things that actually moved a front vector formation. He personally took the lead and planned to attack Bai Xiaofei’s team by the front vector tip. If he wanted to break through the center line, he would win the game.
Bai Xiaofei knows that only by fighting against the front vector array and fighting against the strong front vector array can he win a chance.
When Bai Xiaofei looked at the formation of the lion’s double-headed corpse brother across the street, there was a sudden noise behind him. He turned around and saw that the four-winged crow corpse brother was shouting and ordering a group of corpse brothers to form a horizontal array in front of him, while the four-winged crow corpse brother himself hid behind.
Bai Xiaofei Zheng rushed over. "What’s going on?"
Brother Four-winged Crow’s corpse impatiently tunnel, "Didn’t you see that I was arranging defensive formations? Bald, you can help me stop the enemy by my side later. I’ve met the lion with two heads and fought several times before. He’s very strong. Wait a minute, you pester him on the ground and I’ll sneak up on him. "
Bai Xiaofei shouted in his heart that it was not good because he saw a large number of relatively weak Japanese slaves in front of him. Obviously, he wanted to use them as cannon fodder to block the first wave of attacks by the lion’s two-headed corpse.
Busy Bai Xiaofei dissuade way "and so on! It’s no good to deploy like this! In the face of such a powerful attack, our enemy’s front and vector array have stitches, compared with the so-called narrow road, the brave win! We, the corpse brothers, come together temporarily, and no one knows each other, let alone trust each other. If you treat them as cannon fodder, they can’t stop the lion’s body and the two-headed corpse brothers, and the first charge team will soon collapse. "
Brother Four-winged Crow’s corpse said impatiently, "Won’t I escape if I can’t beat you?" As he said, the four wings will be displayed. It turns out that the number of flying corpse brothers in both camps is not much, and the four-winged crow corpse brother has the highest evolution. He can’t beat it and fly.
Bai Xiaofei didn’t expect this four-winged crow corpse brother to be a coward. It’s no wonder that crows are timid and cunning birds, but Bai Xiaofei can’t let this happen because he can’t lose.
He still needs to continue to win here, close to the mother tree. Brother Four-winged Crow lost, but once he flew, Bai Xiaofei could never lose.
Bai Xiaofei clenched his fist. Damn it, since this four-winged crow corpse brother is disobedient, kill him! Let yourself lead a Japanese slave corpse brother Wu Hezhong!
Just when Bai Xiaofei was ready to start work, a figure suddenly jumped up and screamed in the hands of a four-winged crow brother-his left wing was abruptly cut off.
It was Qiao Feng!
Qiao Feng didn’t stop working hard to beat the left half of his wings and desperately tried to escape from the four wings-no, now it’s time to call the two-winged crow corpse brother to cut off the four-winged crow corpse brother one hook after another. I didn’t expect that someone in my team would make a move on him, and he was already half-disabled. He struggled to fly out his black feathers and desperately reborn his wings to escape from Qiao Feng
Suddenly, the body shape of the two-winged crow corpse stopped inexplicably. This pause was very short, and it was less than a second. But this second was enough for Qiao Feng to stab the double hook into the chest of the two-winged crow corpse and force it to the left and right sides to dismember the two-winged crow corpse on the spot.
Brother Corpse of this pair of winged crows suddenly stopped. Naturally, it was Bai Xiaofei who made great achievements with his golden needle. He did it very skillfully. Brother Corpse didn’t see it.
After seeing this sudden change, the resin brothers around suddenly became an uproar. The four-winged crow resin brother was their default leader, but now he was suddenly killed by Qiao Feng, and the opposite lion-body double-headed resin brother is leading the way to attack. How can we fight this battle?
Qiao Feng roared, "Shut up, Geyalu!"
He killed the four-winged crow’s corpse brother several times. Obviously, his strength is high. This roar frightened his Japanese slave corpse brother and stopped his mouth and looked at Qiao Feng blankly.
Qiao Feng a finger dismembered broken feathers flying around on the spot four-winged crow corpse brother "this guy is a coward! If we want to use everyone as cannon fodder, we will never win with him, and we will be easily defeated by the enemy on the other side. When the food is eaten, we will not recognize such a coward as the leader! I am your leader from now on. You must listen to me honestly. Only I can lead you to defeat the enemy on the other side! "
Qiao Feng was so bold as to usurp the throne, but Brother Four-winged Crow’s corpse was already dead, and Brother Japanese slave was also stunned. No one dared to question that Brother Japanese slave was a little clever. Brother Japanese slave thought that these hands were hooked, and Brother Japanese slave could defeat Brother Four-winged Crow’s corpse and get stronger. Maybe he would live with him and hope more.
Qiao Feng is also honest and impolite. He strode to the most central battle before the battle. "Who else thinks that he is strong enough to come behind me!"
Bai Xiaofei didn’t hesitate a few steps to Qiao Feng, and several Japanese slave corpse brothers came to Qiao Feng and Bai Xiaoxi in succession. Qiao Feng looked at these Japanese slave corpse brothers who took the initiative to come out and nodded. "Yossi, you are all heroes, Missy, Missy," said the corpse of a four-winged crow, which was actually rewarded to those Japanese slave corpse brothers who followed him.
Brother Nu’s corpse was overjoyed, but he didn’t want to follow this hook. Brother Nu’s corpse got the benefits before fighting. You know, Brother Four-winged Crow’s corpse is very cunning, but he can’t escape. No one can catch other Nu’s corpse, and he can’t eat it.
Now this hook corpse brother will give them the four-winged crow corpse brother to eat, and this rare gene will definitely get a leap-forward evolution.
When the slaves took the initiative to come out, they made a respectful salute to Qiao Feng and threw themselves at the corpse of the four-winged crow. Some of them chewed on the spot and evolved their wings. The slaves watched it greedily and expressed their loyalty to Qiao Feng. They were willing to fight with him behind him. Qiao Feng hooked them and let them swallow the corpse of the four-winged crow at will.
At that time, Qiao Feng and Bai Xiaofei’s team of slave corpse brothers were beaming and lively, and many of them swallowed the four-winged crow corpse brother, and the slave corpse brother evolved on the spot and won cheers from the next corpse brother.
Next to the guards, they coldly watched and saw this group of Japanese slave corpse brothers, the former four-winged crow corpse brother leading the corpse team to be disorganized, but Qiao Feng killed the original leader and ate it separately, which encouraged morale instead.
Before leaving, the little guard leader said rudely to Qiao Feng, "Now you are missing another person. Do you want the opposite team to kill a corpse brother?"
Qiao Feng proudly said, "No, I’m hungry. I’ll kill them all myself!"
Behind him, the Japanese slave resin brothers roared "kill them all! Kill them all! "
The momentum has become! Can fight!
Qiao Feng waved "Kill!" I was the first to rush to the lion’s body and two-headed corpse brother team!

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