It’s here that Wenheim just went not far away, and then he leaps a sword light. The sword light is pale gold, but it is collected by people. The sword light is extremely unstable because the royal swordsman can’t repair it.


Li Xun, the light of the sword, is all too familiar. He frowned and hasn’t decided whether to avoid the light of the sword.
"Brother Xun, brother Xun, do me a favor first …"
However, it is Shan Zhi who is the most annoying person in Li Jue Mountain. In those days, Brother Shan was influenced by the teacher day and night. It has been good for several years, but he is pale and his eyes are scattered, but he doesn’t know what happened.
This ChanZhi has always had a sense of superiority since Li Xun was a master. When Li Xun spoke, he often pretended to be a commanding senior. It was the first time that Li Xun was in a panic like this.
Only to see Shan Zhichong come forward and grab his arm. His mouth was screaming, "Brother Xun, help me!"
Li Xun was stunned by him on the spot. Without asking questions, he heard a barrage of words in his mouth. "If someone asks you about your younger brother in the future, just say that I have been talking with you about Taoism and Xuangong this evening?"
Li Jue opened his eyes to see him for a long time before he smiled bitterly. "Do you know that I just came to the Zongmen Secret Library in the middle of the night and said hello to the Duty Dexian Master? I just met Brother Wenheim again … Why do you look so ugly? Sick? "
Shan Zhi’s face looks pale, but it’s even worse. Li Xun asked him that he had been waiting for Ai for a long time, but he still didn’t speak, so he bit his teeth and left.
As soon as his figure moved, he was torn by Li Jue.
"If Brother Shan Zhi trusts the younger brother, I’ll tell you what’s difficult for you. If you don’t do what’s not bad for the world, I’ll be able to change your mind." Li Jue looked at the change of Shan Zhi’s expression as he spoke colloquially.
Shan Zhi’s face first showed impatience and was tempted, but more worried. Obviously, Li Jue’s words did not reassure him.
Looks like he got into a lot of trouble this time, huh? Li Jue’s brain was spinning fast, but somehow he just left Wenhai. Then he suddenly thought of something and had a fixed opinion. He paused and suddenly said, "Did you provoke Elder Martial Sister Qi Bi?"
Not only did Zhi answer, but Li Xun knew that he was right when he looked at his dying face. His mind quickly became haggard and he pulled Shan Zhi’s arm and whispered, "Come with me!"
ChanZhi slouches at which there is resistance strength was Li Xun imperial sword pulled into the residential building.
"Say what the hell is going on?" Li Xun’s face looked solemn but deliberately lowered his voice, revealing his attitude.
Shan Zhi naturally knows, but now he is speechless and bowed his head and said nothing.
Li Xun guessed for himself that he had already made up his mind, and then he thought to the most unbearable aspect, "Are you cheating on Sister Qi Bi?"
"I didn’t!" Shan Zhi jumped up in shock and the sound was high, but Li Jue’s eyes stared and he was angry. He bowed his head and muttered, "No! I am, is a peek … "
Everything has been made clear. Shan Zhi, a man of small size, finally couldn’t bear to admire Qi Bi between fantasy and delusion recently. By understanding the law of Qi Bi’s interest, he sneaked into Qi Bi’s bath at night to clean himself up.
However, due to the heavy breath, Qi Bi found that if it was not for Qi Bi’s inconvenience and shame and anger, she could not catch up at the moment. Shan Zhi had probably been tied up in front of you Xianshi.
Is it because of this that Wenheim hurried there just now? Li Xun looked at Chanzhi Liushen’s appearance and wanted to laugh.
But he knew that he should never laugh at this time. He turned his head and tried to talk, sipping his mouth and slapping Shan Zhi’s face. Shan Zhi was caught off guard by a blow.
Li Xun still didn’t let him go, grabbed his collar and slammed him against the wall and growled, "Shan Zhi! Shame on you! "
Shan Zhilai was so angry that he felt guilty. At this moment, he was scared to death by Li Xun’s sudden outburst of anger. What’s more, Li Xun said at this time that there was nothing wrong with it, that is, he couldn’t be dismayed if he wanted to refute it. His hands and feet were struggling and he was almost scared to tears.
"Xun teacher younger brother! Little prince! Look at us. Don’t let me go like this. Let me go … "
Li Xun took a deep breath, as if to suppress his anger. After all, his hand was loose. He was trying to escape, but Li Xun pushed him against the wall.
Li Xun will be in a sulk and slowly spit out a heavy tone to the extreme. "Do you know what you did? You spy on your fellow martial sister, especially when she has a Taoist partner, and her Taoist partner is Master Wen Hai! Brother Shan Zhi, do you really know what you are doing? "
"I was confused for a while!" Shan Zhi would never have thought that Li Xun had confused his mind when he spoke. He felt that his heart was getting more and more chaotic and he could not think effectively, and he was gradually incoherent.
"I’m so dizzy. I’m not, but I can’t hold it for once …"
"You can never be saved once!"
Li Xun squeezed the cold words out of his teeth bit by bit.
"If this matter is found wenheim master elder brother first rao not you! Patriarch, and pine ShiShu reaction you can guess ── waste your repair to erase your memory, then put you into the world and let you do it … "
"I don’t want it, I don’t want it!" Shan Zhi’s reaction was unprecedented. He twisted his strength and almost made Li Jue unable to lock him up.
Li Jue’s eyes flashed with cold light, and suddenly he punched him in the stomach and beat him into a shrimp-like body, knowing how to spit sour water.
"Calm down. Are you trying to let the whole clan know what you did?"
Li Jue sound pressure lower gave ChanZhi a hint ── this time in front of the man is on his side.
This move soon became a single-minded one. Instead of being annoyed by Li Jue’s repeated efforts, he seemed to be clinging to straws.
"Xun teacher younger brother little report, you have to save me. I know you won’t leave me alone. You saved me this time and I will even …"
Even if this little boy talks like a cow and a horse, he won’t give a fart, but he may arouse rebellious psychology, which may lead to changes one day; Li Xun doesn’t want such a stupid cow and horse either. He wants to be single-minded and make his own way.
"Come on, brother!" Li Xun erased the heavy expression and replaced it with a pleasant look.
"Brother, the two of us have known each other for the longest time, but who will help if I don’t help you? Everyone knows that there is a problem like you. If you want to hide it, you must cheer up and follow me to relax and exhale several times according to this rhythm … "
At this time, Shan Zhi was at the mercy of Li Xun like a puppet. Let him breathe, and he will breathe so many times, and his eyes will fade away.
At this moment, Li Xun said softly, "Brother Shan Zhi, didn’t you make an appointment early tonight to discuss Taoism and Xuangong and wait in front of the building for a while? You also saw me talking to Brother Wenhai, didn’t you? "
ChanZhi eyes suddenly lit up "good good! I just want you to learn martial arts. I still see Brother Wenhai talking to you at this peak! "
He said this for three times and his voice became louder and louder, and finally he burst out laughing.
Li Xun doesn’t care if he smiles and looks at the temperature almost. He patted Shan Zhi on the shoulder and said, "Come to Brother Shan Zhi and we’ll talk about Xuangong. It’s a long night. You have to cheer up!"
ChanZhi nature is even said to look at Li Xun face is full of passion, of course, he doesn’t know Li Xun around is sneer at.
There are a lot of ChanZhiLe after planting a "guiding lamp" … Li Xun took the opportunity to get a dark card and cheerfully led ChanZhi to the living room.
To tell the truth, there may not be any detailed plan for him to do this, but he is guided by the situation. After all, he has a good life and doesn’t want to do anything meaningless. Today, Shan Zhi himself can’t blame him for crashing into the door.
From this moment on, if you want to live, you will have a chance, right?
The next morning, there was no atmosphere in Zongmen, and Li Xun was not surprised.
Come on, Shan Zhi will be defeated and flee, and he will probably scare himself. Qi Bi should not find out his identity in a hurry.
This matter is extremely private. Why should Wenhai ask Zongmen to issue an edict to thoroughly investigate the suspects last night and see who saw his wife?
Li Xun knew very well when to keep a low profile. He obediently stopped watching the peak and rested for half a day. He didn’t know what to do with the dark tide of Zongmen, but he went straight to forget the peak after noon.
After many days of tempering, Li Xun can set off at noon and arrive at Jiuzhong Stone Mine in March.
Li Jue-bai’s practice of "Lingxi tactic" is close to the pure level again because of the influence of the subtle spirit, so that the heart sword Sect can hinder the access.
Is "Lingxi tactic" growing, which in turn will pull back "Youqi"? If there is an impact, what should be done?
This is Li Xun’s trouble alone, but the complexity of this trouble is far beyond the level he can reach at this time. Not to mention that he dare not ask for help, he really asked for it, and few people in the whole metaphysical world may not be able to answer it!
Perhaps this is God’s punishment for the "greedy"?
Picking up the last two nine-heavy stones, and seeing the nine-heavy stone mine as heavy as two thousand pounds, it is a memory of the hard life in the first three months. Li Xun has rallied his spirits and temporarily put all his troubles behind him and will take off.

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